Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bakersfield College's olden days

Career technical education is the new, big thing in Kern County high schools these days, but as anybody over the age of 30 well knows, the new emphasis, which kicks into gear next fall, is just an updated version of programs that were in place in many U.S. schools for decades.

Bakersfield College had (and still has) some great programs. For historical evidence, take a look at the link at the bottom of this post.

It's BC in 1958. A friend who works at the local comnmunity college shared it with me this morning. As she notes, you can sure tell that BC was involved in training the workforce for Kern County even back then, as evidenced by the photos of tractors, automobile repair, supermarket training, etc.

The link comes courtesy of BC’s David M. Koeth, professor of art and chair of the department, who writes:
"Google is archiving Life magazine’s photos. If you do a Google search, and put ‘bakersfield junior college source:life’ (without the quotes) in the search field, then click on IMAGES, you will find a group of photos of the Bakersfield College campus from 1958."

Here's the link. If it doesn't work, copy and paste it into your browser window:

1 comment:

  1. I love BC. I took an anthropology class there a couple summers ago and it was easy, accessible and cheap. (I know it's not tech, but just an indication of how that system is really set up for us consumers)
    Conversely, when I went to CSUB to try and continue my anthro education the cost, accessibility and scheduling were all daunting. Obviously, it's been a while since I was in college!
